Student Life

Student Leadership

University is like anything else: you get out what you put in. Strong and diverse community leaders make campus life richer and more rewarding for everybody. For senior students especially, volunteer leadership can be a great way to give back.

Furthermore, leadership skills are highly coveted in today's working world, and co-curricular involvement looks great on a resume. So take a look below at the great things going on around campus, and consider where you might like to get involved!


Peer Assisted Learning (PAL)

CMU students volunteer their time to help classmates with homework, essay writing, test prep, and more through a student collective called PAL [Peer Assisted Learning]. Volunteering with PAL can be a brilliant way to improve your own academic skills, network study partners for exam season, and boost your mental health. Take it from us, the best way to learn is to teach, and nothing puts you back in perspective like helping others through their struggles and frustrations.


Residence Assistants (RAs)

RAs are so much more than floor-supervisors; they are a core element of student life. RAs are caring, open, fun-loving people who love God and serving others, and they are residence students' go-to people for help, information, etc. RAs also bring an element of fun to the res-life experience by planning floor events throughout the year, such as potlucks, outings, seasonal festivities, and more.


Student Navigators (SNs)

Student Navigators engage in intentional relationship building with new students so that everyone can become an integral part of the CMU community as they transition to CMU and throughout their first full year. SNs will provide support and leadership to all aspects of New Student Move-In and Orientation days. The Student Navigator welcomes new students and is a resource to help students acclimate to the CMU learning community. Student Navigators are assigned a First Year Faculty Advising group in which they collaborate with a faculty advisor as well as provide support and guidance to the 8-12 new students through individual and group connection.


International Student Leadership

International Student Assistants (ISA)

The International Student Assistants work to raise awareness of the presence of international students on campus, provides a voice for international students and strives to address the issues that this community faces during their time at CMU. International Student Assistants are involved in planning orientation and providing programming and events on campus throughout the year.

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