Canadian Mennonite University

Student Policies & Resources

Sexual Violence – Policy and Resources

Canadian Mennonite University (CMU) is a learning community rooted in the Anabaptist faith tradition. In view of the University's mandate and collective conviction that all people are created in the image of God, it is critical that each member of the community, student, staff, faculty, and guests on campus, treat all others with dignity, honour, and respect. The university considers sexual violence to be a violation of a person's rights, dignity, trust, and integrity; of the CMU Community Guidelines; of the Human Rights Code of Manitoba; of the Criminal Code of Canada; and of God's work of reconciliation in the world.

CMU is committed to fostering a safe, healthy, and welcome environment for all community members. This commitment includes building and sustaining a culture where sexual violence and its impact are understood, survivors are supported, and those who commit incidents of sexual violence are held accountable.

CMU is a safe place for students, staff, and faculty who have experienced sexual violence, regardless of identity, expression, or orientation, and regardless of when or where the event took place.

CMU's Sexual Violence Policy


Policy Review

The policy is currently undergoing a review process; it is on track to be reviewed by the relevant bodies in Spring of 2025, including review by the Board in June 2025. Changes made to the policy will be made publicy availible on this website.

2021 Review

Two changes were made to the Sexual Violence policy and procedures.

- Addition of an Amnesty Section: "A complainant acting in good faith who discloses, reports, or files a complaint of sexual violence will not be subject to actions for violations of university policies related to drug and alcohol use at the time the sexual violence took place."

- Removal of all Outtatown Program specific policies and procedures.


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