Canadian Mennonite University

Biblical and Theological Studies (BTS) invites students to disciplined, thoughtful reflection on the Bible, on the theological traditions and history of the church, and on the experiences and practices of Christian communities around the world.

CMU's emphasis on interdisciplinary learning brings biblical and theological studies into conversation with other programs of interest. By studying theology alongside science, humanities, and the social sciences, students will see how faith and life are connected, and how the study of theology contributes faithful action in the world.

Opportunities beyond the classroom provide chances for students to gain experiences related to their studies. Practicum placements, involvement in chapel, and participation in student leadership are some ways for students to explore their interests and skills in different aspects of ministry, while being supported by professors and staff. The Office of Ministry Inquiry works with students to discover what they are passionate about and how that could lead to meaningful employment.

In our diverse, ever-changing society where technological, economic, and cultural developments are constantly challenging the way we think about God, ourselves, and others, theology is a deeply relevant subject.
CMU is a Christian university, founded by and supported by Mennonite churches. The Biblical and Theological Studies (BTS) requirement within CMU's Core Curriculum reflects CMU's identity as a Christian university.
Our grads choose a variety of careers including journalism, social work, media, counseling, NGO work, education, law, business, and agriculture, just to name a few.
Creation, Environment, and the Bible
Wisdom Literature
Principles and Paradigms in Youth Ministry
Apocalypse—Then and Now

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