Canadian Mennonite University

About the Library


The purpose of the CMU Library is to support the University's mission to inspire and equip women and men for service, leadership, and reconciliation in church and society through teaching, research, and service.

The Library primarily serves the CMU community and its supporting constituencies. Members of the public are normally welcome to use its facilities and borrow materials, provided they abide by Library policies. However, controlling the spread of the COVID-19 virus requires us to prohibit anyone without a CMU ID/prox card from entering the Library building at this time.


The CMU Library is located in the new Marpeck Commons, on the north side of CMU's Grant & Shaftesbury campus (see map). The Mennonite Historical Library is a component of the CMU Library. The Library also helps to maintain a smaller book and reference collection in the Mennonite Heritage Archives.


CMU's collection totals over 135,000 items. Extensive resources are available in the areas of Christian studies and music, and efforts are underway to increase library holdings in newer program areas such as peace and conflict studies, international development, psychology, sociology, political studies, and business and organizational administration.

Partial holdings are in storage but can be retrieved upon request. Electronic information resources are also available through the Library.

Other Libraries

Reciprocal borrowing privileges have been arranged with the libraries of the University of Manitoba, the University of Winnipeg, Providence University College, and Steinbach Bible College. CMU students must present a valid CMU student card to borrow materials from these libraries.

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